Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Identify the nature of proof in Frank's monologue, siting evidence he used in Charlie's defense. 

     Ethos--he uses the story about someone who wanted Charlie to sell his soul.  That his soul is intact and that it is not for sale.  He also says he has been around and seen boys loose their limbs and they are fixable but souls are not fixable.  With the the loosing of limbs comments also plays into logos and pathos.  That it is logical to fix limbs but not logical to fix souls. Pathos on this comment is emotional because he puts a visual image into the minds of the audience that plays to emotions.

Of the four styles of dramatic or vicarious proof, which did Frank exploit to turn attitudes around about Charlie? How did this style function in terms of reason? 

     Testimony--Frank is able to prove that he has life experience that gives him the knowledge to defend Charlie. He has seen boy like the ones here at the school who have come home with missing limbs, broken souls. That he has had a change of mind from getting to know Charlie on a very personal level.

What cultural myths or images were employed to increase the appeal of Frank's argument? How did this influence his attempted shift of opinion? 

     When the bough breaks the cradle will fall.  The cradle has fallen,because the cradle has fallen the leaders will also fall.

     When shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys is Charlie setting here facing you and George setting there in daddy's pocket.  This influence the audience that Charlie is willing to stand up on his own instead of hiding in the pocket of a person who has lots of money.  To take responsibility for his belief of not ratting on his friends. That he has loyalty.

Which of Reich's parables apply or applies to Frank's reasoning?

     Triumphant Individual--Frank tells of a story that Charlie was asked to sell his soul and he would not.  That Charlie would not sell his soul. That shows the character of Charlie. That Charlie was able to triumphant over the person who wanted him to be something different that what Charlie believed in.

What was Frank's reasoning in terms of logical appeal?

     Warrants.  Frank states what he has seen. He has authority on how men behave because he has worked with men. He has seen men come (we are lead to believe)  from war with missing limbs. that prosthetic can fix the missing limbs but prosthetic can not fix a broken soul.

How did Frank's paralinguistics impact his expression and the meaning of his words? Please give specific examples – three will do.

     Crock of shit--is yelled to get the attention of the audience.  There is a slight laughter from the audience

     What a sham--this statement is said on the quite side. It gives people a chance to catch up on what is being said and for the audience to take a breath.

     Reward George (very loud) and destroy Charlie (on the soft side) the volume on both boys names shows who may be the good guy and the bad guy.  George is the bad guy and Charlie is the good boy.  When a person is being yelled at it is assumed that they have done something wrong.  The soft tone shows that that person is being good.

Discuss Frank's approach with his argument in terms of the four process premises, from Needs to Consistency.

     First Process Premise--there are two needs going on here and the first one seems to be Sense of Power. That the governing body of the school has all the power no matter who says what, that they are are always right. The second on is Ego-Gratifications--that because I have money and you don't I am better than you and also the sense of power ads to the ego-gratifications.

     The Second Process Premise--Emotions--all emotions seem to come into play here. Fear is in play because if Charlie can succeed without money in his pocket then the way things operate within the school will change for the worse. Pride is another one.  The governing body of the school prides itself with the fact that they have long standing traditions. 

     The Third Process Premise--Attitudes--Opinions--The school believes that they can dictate what is right and wrong while have a double standard about morals or ethics. Behavioral influences is showing the boys of school that as long as you follow tradition and fall in line as they are told to do, then they will be successful. 

     The Fourth Process Premise-Consistency--the use of rewards. They want Charlie to give information, as long as he gives the school information he will be allowed to stay at school.  

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